Sam Taylor-Wood

  • Sam Taylor-Wood
  • 43 years of age
  • From Croydon, UK
  • Conceptual artist come film maker and photographer

Sam Taylor-Wood began her career exhibiting fine art photography in the early 90’s. Her most notable works is the collaboration between herself and Henry Bond in which they recreated the most famous of the Rolling Stone Magazine covers of Yoko Ono and John Lennon  by Annie Leibovitz.

Rolling Stone Magazine

Yoko Ono and John Lennon just a few hours before his assassination. Photo by Annie Leibovitz

Sam Taylor-Wood and Henry Bond Homage

Sam Taylor-Wood and Henry Bond worked together in this homage to the poignant image of John Lennon and Yoko Ono

Taylor-Wood is also well known for her self portraits in which she is suspended in mid-air. In these images, Taylor-Wood experiments with the sense of weight and gravity. These images are truly weightless and graceful as well as beautiful to look at. I think that the set of images are simple yet effective and speak for themselves. The images were created using suspension wires which were digitally removed afterwards.


Taylor-Wood, Self Portrait III
This is just one of the images from her suspended self portrait collection. Photo: Self Portrait Suspended III

Although Sam Taylor-Wood has seen much success, she has had more than her fair share of criticism with people questioning the meaning behind her works and if there is any meaning at all. Personally, I think that her work should be appreciated for what it is rather than trying to question its meaning and over complicating things. Why would you want to try to complicate something as beautiful as this. Just admire it.

She is also well known for her skills as a film maker. She has worked on many films from the likes of Nowhere Boy to her exhibitions films, Ascension and A Little Death.